Supervision……and breath
A reflection on supervision, the space to breath into support and learning.
Only Connect
Addiction and the Paradoxical Theory of Change
The paradoxical theory of change and addiction…
Addiction & The Locus of Control
(15min read)
The Locus of control is a psychological concept that refers to how strongly people believe they have control over the situations and experiences that affect their lives.
- The Grief of Change - Dependency and Separation
(15 min read)
Imagine if the grieving, pain or loss of losing a loved one seemed like it would never end and you could bring back that person - if we think of addiction as a relationship, and you did this, it would be called relapse.
Addiction - a polydynamic dance of the figure ground theory
(15 min read)
The fluidity of the addiction adaptations are working at a polymorphic level that outsmarts the research, data and systems we have in place so a relationally centred polymorphic approach is required to attune to the dynamics of people in and impacted by addiction.