Supervision……and breath

In the recent months I have been working with my colleague and friend Angela to develop the Growing Edge’s first accredited course, this is the Relational Supervision for addiction professionals course.

As we emerged from this design and developmental process, the day arrived where we were going to be delivering the training in person for the first time. As usual, I felt my anxiety and fluctuating energy on the day, but we soon got into the process and the group were absoulaautly amazing. They have so many years of experience around supporting people who have had theirs and others lives disrupted and destroyed through addiction. As we connected, shared and built the dynamic I was aware that I was experiencing a polarity of celebration and deep sadness.

On one of the days we were involved in the learning observation sessions and I felt a moment of clarity. As I looked around I noted that I was in a large group of people that wake every work day, to meet people where they are at, with everything the has and is happening for them. The emotion in the room was congregating as people spoke openly about the impact of hearing, seeing and feeling the impact of working closely with people who are experiencing problems connected to addiction.

This got me reflecting on how supervision has helped me to develop personally and professionally. I am so glad that, on most occasions it has been the space where I can talk openly, authentically and freely - it help my thoughts and emotions flow instead of being bottled up. It is also an amazing space where I can make sense of things, be challenged, be validated and learn more about what happens as I meet the world when I connect with people, as well my team and the systems I worked within.

Supervision is a place where I can breath into being me…… I can meet people in as healthy a space a possible.


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